A core principle of increasing enterprise efficiency is the idea of creating ‘standard work’; that is, designing optimal processes which convert inputs to outputs for frequently performed work activities, and then mandating those procedures be followed as part of an enterprise wide operating system.

Such methodology ensures a standard way of performing common tasks, ensuring predicable results such as quality, estimates to completion and cost.  Doing so also generates strong organizational knowledge assets.   How can these assets best be deployed in the organization?

In today’s modern businesses, IT system software has become indispensable for organizing knowledge assets and maintaining process control.  Powerful customizations can tailor system performance to the exact scope of work required to meet each organizations unique tried and true processes.

Of particular benefit to Aerospace and Defense organizations with design and manufacturing focus for both physical and digital products is Product Lifecyle Management software (PLM).  Popular software products in this field include Dassault’s Enovia and Siemen’s Teamcenter.

This software can be custom configured to co-ordinate the work interactions and shared communication between departments such as Program Management, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Quality and Accounting.  It ensures strong document configuration control, co-ordinated review and approval of work activities, permission based document access and serves as a constant process roadmap codified with standard work flows and best practices.  It is the most effective way to verify internally that the organization is following mandated processes, and to validate externally to customers and auditors that the organization is fully meeting its quality requirements under such certifications as the AS9100 standard.

PLM saves an organization time and money while improving product quality and process control on today’s highly complex development projects.

Glide Aerospace has the expertise to help you select the best PLM software for your organization, manage system implementation and custom program the software to meet your unique needs by aligning it with your development lifecycle and standard work.  Glide can also perform this service through upgrading your existing PLM software.

With Glide’s help, custom PLM implementation can yield these typical results for your organization:

  • Improved process control and adherence to product development lifecycle
  • Customizable software functionality to align with unique aspects of organization and products
  • Increased document access control to ensure adherence with government security and export requirements (ITAR/CGP, clearance levels)
  • Improved change control and revision traceability
  • Easier validation of quality standard adherence for external stakeholder audits (APSL approved supplier, contract terms)
  • Integrated functionality with other major IT systems such as 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) software and MRP.