For many years, top organizations have aimed for continuous improvement in such areas as quality, on time delivery and cost of production.  To maximize profitability, this is a constant best practice effort that companies will be rewarded for year after year.   While this general business trend is here to stay, there can be industry conditions that place an extremely high criticality on process improvement initiatives necessary for competitiveness and long term survival.

The commercial aircraft industry is booming, with aircraft backlogs steadily increasing month by month as operators replace aging aircraft and expand their operations to meet huge customer demand.  Consequently, a huge challenge exists for manufacturers to keep production output in line with increasing demand.

To face this problem head on, organizations must review their operating procedures and find efficiencies they can leverage to reduce their production times and distribute their vital resources where required to keep production flowing.  As backlogs grow, these initiatives are no longer optional projects and in fact must be large enough in scope to ensure the organization can meet demand well into the future .

Glide Aerospace has significant expertise in process design and improvement using effective tools like Lean Six Sigma.

By utilizing Glide Aerospace to lead process improvement initiatives, clients can expect:

  • Elimination of waste across the value stream
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Improved quality and reliability of products
  • Elimination of redundant work efforts that choke productivity
  • An efficient organizational work structure that minimizes touch points and further empowers skilled employees to contribute added value through their efforts