Modern complex Aerospace and Defense systems can contain millions of parts and components that are bought from suppliers spread around all corners of the world.   In fact, this may be one of the largest operating risks in the industry, as failure to receive just one single part on time can delay manufacturing and product deliveries to customers.  Such disruption causes a cascading effect throughout the entire Aerospace supply chain, costing millions of dollars and doing damage to company reputations.

With so much at stake, it is paramount for organizations to manage their supply chains diligently.  This includes planning for risk, evaluating suppliers thoroughly, monitoring supplier performance regularly and having the ability to exert maximum influence over that performance.

Glide Aerospace understands this need and has the expertise to evaluate the suppliers in your chain, monitor their performance and exert expedite pressure if necessary to get the critical parts you need.  Many times, the failure of a supplier to perform is rooted in operating flaws such as lack of required resources, poor resource management and poor ability to manage their programs.   Glide Aerospace can work with you and your suppliers to strengthen their systems and performance to eliminate damaging disruptions to your supply chain.

Clients can expect these typical results:

  • Increased performance and reliability of suppliers (on time delivery and quality)
  • Expediting of late components and corrective actions to recover on time delivery
  • Long term improvement of supplier performance
  • Supplier risk analysis and sourcing of alternate suppliers for contingency planning